Understanding and using Max/MSP

Private tuition, support, workshops in small groups for composers, musicians, artists, all interested beginners and more advanced

Max/MSP is a popular programming language for composers and performers of contemporary music that is used in many works of electronic or electroacoustic live music. From the outside and without prior knowledge, Max/MSP sometimes seems like a mystery, but if you understand the basic details of the program, it is understandable, inspiring and fun to use.

I am teaching Max/MSP with a focus on live electronics and developing own electro-acoustic instruments, setups and compositions. In workshops and individual lessons, I provide a simple and understandable introduction to the programme. You will learn the basics of Max/MSP, and after a short time you will be able to write your own patches. There is a lot of time for questions, practical exercises and to put your own ideas into practice.

Go to my profile on the developers’ website:

References / previous projects (selection):
Steffi Weismann / die Maulwerker: Support with the programming (Max/MSP) of a 4-channel composition
. Composer-performers and sound technicians Baptiste Moulin, Fiona Sheil a.o.:
  Consulting /Teaching/ Support in MaxMSP
. Foundings by the British  Arts Council, Hauptstadtkulturfonds Berlin and others